KANO EMIRATES: JOSEF ONOH Cautions Atiku On Inciting Comments As Deputy Governor, Gwarzo Heeds Onoh’s Advise, Tenders Apology To NSA, Ribadu

Dr. Josef ONOH
Dr. Josef ONOH
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The Kano State Deputy Governor, Aminu Gwarzo has tendered unreserved apology to the National Security Adviser, NSA, Nuhu Ribadu on Monday, May 27, 2024 in reaction to a Press Release signed by the former Campaign Spokesman of President Bola Tinubu in the South East, Dr. Josef Onoh published by SOJ WORLDWIDE on Sunday, May 26, 2024.



Onoh had advised the Deputy Governor on Sunday thus;

As I urge all parties to refrain from escalating a delicate situation and also urged H.E. the Deputy Governor of Kano State to retract his previous statement accusing the Presidency of interference as I hope to believe he may have not been duly informed with correct details prior to making his statement.”




Gwarzo in his apology said he was misled into believing that the National Security Adviser, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu was responsible for providing two Private Jets that convened the deposed Emir of Kano, Ado Bayero into Kano City.

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It will also be noted that Ribadu vehemently denied his involvement or the Presidency in the allegation of providing two Jets or in one way or the other intervened in the Kano Emirates logjam.




The NSA threatened a legal action against the Deputy Governor unless he can prove his allegations.




In another development, Onoh condemned the action of former Vice-President and former Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Abubakar Atiku in total terms saying his action is an act of irresponsibility expected of a statesman.

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I am disappointed in the former PDP Presidential Candidate, Atiku for chosing to play a dirty politics at the detriment of the national unity and peace. And I ask Atiku, if this is the type of Nigeria he wants to lead as a President? Had it been he won, he would have compromised the national security of Nigeria”


Onoh wondered if this is the way Atiku would have led a country as diverse as Nigeria.


Onoh who is the Coordinator of ASIWAJU Renewed Mandate Southeast (ARMS) advised the former Vice-president to always play maturity on issues of national security.


I want to advise Atiku to play maturity on issues as volatile as national security and cohesion of Nigeria.

The respect accorded to him as an Elderstesman by the Presidency is not an act of weakness and there is also a limit to political rascality and when that rascality turns to compromising the national unity there are dire consequences, hence he should guide his utterances.”

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“As an Elderstesman, I expect Atiku to work for peace in Nigeria not to aggravate issues. His action showed his desperation to rule Nigeria at all costs which is an illusion though.”


It will be recalled that when the tension for the Kano Emirates was high, Atiku issued a Press Statement accusing the Presidency of taking sides with the intent to destabilize the peace people have been enjoying in decades.



Atiku in his statement said,

We need to remind the Tinubu administration that Kano State is known for peace and harmony spanning thousands of years and any attempt to destabilise the peace of the Land of Commerce shall be resisted.”

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“… the former emir could not have made his way into the Nasarawa Palace without the support of the Federal Government having done so with the support of the army and other security personnel in his company.

The deployment of soldiers in extra-constitutional matters such as this undermines the integrity of the Nigerian military,”

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