NIGERIAN Railway Corporation suspends Erring Staff Over Ticketing Fraud

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THE Nigerian Railway Corporation on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 suspended unspecified numbers of their staff for alleged ticketing fraud with passengers along Lagos-Ibadan axis.





The suspension was handed down in a Press Release signed by the Deputy Director Public Relations, Yakub Mamood over a viral video and complaints of passengers on Social Media monitored by SOJ WORLDWIDE.

“Following a viral video that has been trending on various social media platforms vividly showing Railway Staff negotiating with our esteemed passengers on-board Lagos-Ibadan Train Service (LITS) to pay without obtaining official boarding ticket, the General Public is invited to note that the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) seriously condemn such act of misconduct which is a flagrant disobedience to laid down rules and utter betrayal of the confidence reposed on such workers especially at this time that the Federal Government is making all efforts at revitalising and modernising the Corporation.

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This misconduct is regrettable and unacceptable as it negates the tenets and norms of the Corporation.

The Corporation has therefore placed the identified erring officers on immediate SUSPENSION pending the outcome of the in-depth investigation already on-going by the Management Committee set up to look into the issue.

Our esteemed Passengers and the General Public are assured that this unwholesome attitude and image dent to the Corporation by any staff will not be tolerated nor treated with any levity.

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Accordingly, disciplinary proceedings in line with the Extant Rules citing relevant sections of the NRC General Rules and Public Service Rules (PSR) will definitely be visited on all those found wanting or connected to this irresponsible act.

The Management of NRC wishes to use this medium to enjoin all our intending passengers on LITS and other train corridors to insist and demand for boarding ticket(s) after making appropriate payment at the designated stations or book online appropriately.

Please note that the Electronic ticketing system is being deployed and will be available on both the Lagos-Ibadan Train Service and the Warri – Itakpe Train Service (WITS) by the end of OCTOBER 2023.”

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