There have been several reports of Soldiers apprehending and harassing civilians who were caught wearing military Camouflage illegally. The Nigerian Army will not tolerate any Army officer who takes the law into his hand for the purpose of defending the nation. Any offender must be handed over to the Nigerian Police Force who are the law enforcement agency.
But as reasonable citizens of this great nation, we should also know that we are in trying times, as we are trying to curb the threat of Boko Haram, Kidnappers, armed robbery gangs, Ritualist, Cultism, Herdsmen and farmers clashes and other ethnic crises which have taken the lives of many Nigerians, and are still posing security threats till date. Most of these groups usually dress up in military Camouflage when committing their evil act.
Below is what the Nigerian constitution says about civilians who go about wearing military Camouflage
Section 110 & 111 of Nigeria Criminal Code Act states;
Any person who- Unlawfully wearing the uniform of forces, etc. L.N. 112 of 1964. 1967 No. 27.
(1) not being a person serving in any of the armed forces of Nigeria, wears the uniform or any part of the uniform of such forces, or any the armed dress having the appearance or bearing any of the regimental or other distinctive marks of such uniforms; or
(2) not being a person holding any office or authority under the Government of Nigeria or of any part thereof, wears any uniform or distinctive badge or mark or carries any token calculated to convey the impression that such person holds any office or authority under the government;
is guilty of an offence and is liable to imprisonment for one month, or to a fine of ten naira, unless he proves that he had the permission of the President or of the Governor of a State or wear such uniform or dress, badge or mark or to carry such token:
Provided that this section shall not apply to the wearing of any uniform or dress in the course of a stage play or in any bona fide public entertainment.
111. Any person who sells or gives any uniform, or part of a or any dress, badge or mark, as in the last preceding section mentioned, to any person who is not authorised to wear the same, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the penalties prescribed in the said section.
Section 251 of the Constitution also states;
Any person who, not being a person serving in any of the armed or police forces of Nigeria, wears the uniform of any of these forces, or any dress having the appearance or bearing any of the regimental or other distinctive marks of any such uniform, in such manner or in such circumstances as to be likely to bring contempt on that uniform, or employs any other person so to wear such uniform or dress, is guilty of a simple offence, and is liable to imprisonment for three months or to a fine of forty naira. (N40)
But in Section 110 (1) in Lagos State Law (2011) says the penalty for wearing Camouflage is 2 years imprisonment with no option of fine.
Please help us to serve the nation better. There are so many beautiful fabrics in the market, that will suit your creative fashion taste, but if you love the military Camouflage so much, you’re welcome to join the Nigerian Army so we can serve and defend our great nation together.
God bless Nigerians
God bless the Nigerian Army
God bless the federal republic of Nigeria.
www.sojworld.com © September 19, 2017
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